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People have been talking...

I’m 45.  I’m battling stage four prostate cancer. What I've learned from Truth's Moment has totally changed my life. It's allowed me to think in a much healthier way. It's allowed me to let go of things in my relationships that I would hold on to, and it would be self-destructive. Some of my old thinking patterns were almost their own forms of cancer that I've carried for years.


Kevin gave me tools. I still have triggers, but the chains are gone, and I’ve been able to lay everything at Jesus’ feet… The triggers will come back. They always will. But I’ve learned I don’t have to be “perfect.” I don’t have to prove anything to anybody. I feel free! And God is using me in spite of where I’ve been.

We’ve gotta have tools so we know how to keep ourselves from falling back into that pit.  But when you understand the dynamics and the triggers, you go, “Oh! So that’s what’s going on here!”


How my life has changed since getting connected to Truth's Moment

is that the communication between my wife and I has gotten dramatically better. We have been struggling where neither one of us was feeling heard or important because we were both talking over each other a lot, and through our work with the ministry, we’ve been able to move forward to where now we have productive conversations.


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